I remember being a young teenager in the early 2000s, and some of the truly regrettable stylistic choices I made (rhinestones and low-rise jeans everywhere). So imagine the astonishment I feel looking around me and seeing the trends of that era slowly but surely creeping back into style. At least scrolling through Instagram.
I don’t know if enough time has past for the aughties to truly be considered “vintage”, but that’s our specialty, I love pink and vintage Cazals, so I couldn’t resist showing you some of my personal faves.
I didn’t think I’d ever like rhinestones again.
Tags: cazal, early 2000s, early 2000s style, eyewear, eyewear shop, handcrafted, Handmade, Hiero, made in japan, optical shop, optician, rhinestones, rimless, sunglasses, toronto, toronto fashion, vintage, vintage cazal, Vintage Eyewear, Vintage Sunglasses, wraparound