Christian Bale stars as Patrick Bateman in Mary Harron’s film adaptation of American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis. His iconic Wall-Street look is completed with the O’Malley frame, one of our many Oliver Peoples styles available in store.
In Casino, De Niro stars as Sam “Ace” Rothstein, wearing these incredible Ultra Goliath sunglasses. We offer this frame from Kala Eyewear with both a sunglass and a clear lense.
Swing by our store and browse through our treasure trove of frames! Our eclectic mix of vintage deadstock and new, handcrafted styles will help you recreate a variety of iconic looks and cultivate your own unique sense of style.
Tags: 70s, 90s, american psycho, casino, eyewear, iconic eyewear, JunctionTO, kala eyewear, o'malley, oliver peoples, style, sunglasses, toronto, toronto fashion, ultragoliath, vintage